Review: Nendoroid No. 99 Fate Testarossa MOVIE 1st Ver. — Nanoha The MOVIE 1st Merchandise

A little Fate vintage good, to celebrate my 50th post…

Fate-Chan is one of my all time favorite Anime character. She’s just…way too cute. You have to admit, the only reason Nanoha succeeded was because of Fate. Sorry for the lazy review though, still I hope you enjoy.

Posing: Posing is…a pain. It might be a mistake on my part but I’m having a serious trouble trying to pose Fate. Her cape keeps coming off, which is why I took it out while photoshooting(she looks cooler without it anyway). With that said, it is extremely satisfying to properly pose her.

Painting: Painting is very detailed and neat overall. Her hair has a kind of weird orange tone, but it’s nothing you should look into.

Accessories: Fate has a handful of accessories. Three different faces, a bunch of arms and hands, and two Bardiche(one with an effect part). The Bardiche is bend-able but trust me, you won’t break it. The Scythe Form effect is beautiful, not to mention her cape.

Closing Comments: With all the possible posing potential, and the gorgeous painting and detail. There is no reason for me to hold you back in getting her. Not to mention she’s Fate.

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